To weary shepherds sleeping, A blinding light appeared; And from their couches sleeping, They scattered, all afeared; But Gabriel spake to calm them From all that did alarm them. With silver wings and golden A mighty host they saw; Ne'er had their eyes beholden Such majesty before. Said Gabriel that even, ?I come from God in Heaven.? And while his words they ponder The angel host around Cried: ?In a manger yonder The King of kings is found! Go shepherds, do not tarry; Your loving homage carry.? In joy they turned their faces To where they heard He lay, And merry were their paces And songs upon the way. And when the dawn was creeping They found Him sweetly sleeping. Their gifts they laid around Him With shy and humble word, And?happy to have found Him? They lingered and adored. While Gabriel?upward winging? ?Now peace on earth!? was singing.