I love my Jesus quite alone. The Bride, the Bridegroom of my spirit; No others shall my heart, no, none, Through love, through loving more inherit. No man can do at once for two. For one???s, for one???s will and for t???others: Therefore I???ll leave all others. The magnet needle erring goes, When from, when from the pole distracted. And take before quite no repose, Till he, till he has her attracted. And since my heart with Thy love dart Is touched, is touched by its flaming ether, Therefore, they haste together. And though Thou art like the north star In Heav??¦in Heaven altified And I on earth so distant far I???ll fol??¦I???ll follow undenied. Still Thee my Light, and my eyesight. Shall still, shall still be turned to Thee, From every place, and woo Thee.