Carmina Burana 4. Primo vere - Omnia sol temperat

Карл Орф - Carmina Burana 4. Primo vere - Omnia sol temperat - Текст песни

Omnia sol temperat..................The sun warms everything,
purus et subtilis,..................pure and gentle,
novo mundo reserat..................once again it reveals to the world
faciem Aprilis,.................... April's face,
ad amorem properat..................the soul of man
animus herilis......................is urged towards love
et iocundis imperat................ and joys are governed
deus puerilis.......................by the boy-god.

Rerum tanta novitas................ All this rebirth
in solemni vere.................... in spring's festivity
et veris auctoritas................ and spring's power
iubet nos gaudere;..................bids us to rejoice;
vias prebet solitas,................it shows us paths we know well,
et in tuo vere......................and in your springtime
fides est et probitas.............. it is true and right
tuum retinere.......................to keep what is yours.

Ama me fideliter,.................. Love me faithfully!
fidem meam nota:....................See how I am faithful:
de corde totaliter..................with all my heart
et ex mente tota....................and with all my soul,
sum presentialiter..................I am with you
absens in remota,.................. even when I am far away.
quisquis amat taliter,..............Whosoever loves this much
volvitur in rota................... turns on the wheel.