[ Предположительная тональность: Bbm ] THE GHOST IN YOU - by Siouxsie and the Banshees from their 1991 album "Superstition" I play this capoed on 4 so I don't have to barre so much, making G# played like E and C# played like A. But to keep things accurate I'm noting chords as if there is no capo. And I've tried, but you really do play the chords that far up the neck to match the notes the keyboard is playing. Each chord gets one measure. G# - 4 6 6 5 4 4 Fm - 8 8 10 10 9 8 C# - 4 4 6 6 6 4 Bbm - 6 8 8 6 6 6 THE GHOST IN YOU - by Siouxsie and the Banshees ----------------------------------------------- Ab Fm C# Ab You a- Ab -woke in a burning Fm paperhouse from the C# infinite fields of Ab dreamless sleep You re- Fm -turn to Ti- C# -annammen an eye- Ab -witness in a shroud to see them Bbm fall, feel them Fm yield re- Bbm -living the terror Fm of the crowd CHORUS: C# Hold the whirlwind, don't Bbm let it blow Fm just for a moment I Ab seemed to know C# Hold the whirlwind, don't Bbm let it blow I Fm seemed to know Ab the ghost in you Ab Fm The Ab whisper of your scream sighed through the Fm air and C# faith-the flag is Ab torn and frayed inferno Fm heat, glory C# in flame love was beaten Ab and betrayed In every Bbm step I hear your Fm sobbing dare I Bbm break the shade with Fm one caress? CHORUS: C# Dare I trespass to Bbm lift the veil to Fm touch the lips so Ab soft and frail? C# Hold the whirlwind, don't Bbm let it blow I Fm seemed to know the Ab ghost in you Ab Fm C# Ab Your captive Bbm heart, the be- Fm -lief you share with a Bbm kiss eternal, the spirits Fm of the square C# Hold the whirlwind, don't Bbm let it blow Fm Hope remains with the G# ghost in you C# Hold the whirlwind, don't Bbm let it blow I Fm seemed to know the G# ghost in you C# don't Bbm let it blow Fm Ab the ghost in you C# Bbm Fm Ab the ghost in you C# Bbm Fm Ab C# Bbm Fm Ab