Our boots and clothes are all in pawn;GO DOWN, YOU BLOOD RED ROSES, GO DOWN! And it's mighty drafty 'round Cape Horn; GO DOWN, YOU BLOOD RED ROSES, GO DOWN! CHORUS: Oh, you pinks and posies; GO DOWN, YOU BLOOD RED ROSES, GO DOWN! Oh, you pinks and posies; GO DOWN, YOU BLOOD RED ROSES, GO DOWN! You've had your advance and to sea must go; Chasing whales through the frost and the snow. (chorus) My old mother, she wrote to me; "My dearest son, come home from the sea!" (chorus) But around Cape Horn we all must go; 'Round Cape Horn through the ice and the snow. (chorus) 'Round Cape Horn we all must go; For that is where the whale fish blow. (chorus) Just one more pull and that will do; For we're the bullies to kick her through. (chorus)