---- "Three Boats Down From The Candy" track 4 _B'sides Themselves_ ---- Three boats down from the Candy Vacant deckchairs on a floodlit beach Three boats down from the Candy Rollers coast, invade the deepest sleep Three boats down from the Candy Carnal dancers let their senses preach It's a social disease, it's the new moral cancer Don't think while in need, they'll give you the answer You ask for my love on the strength of a kiss But can't you just play for experience I'm a poet, I'm a minstrel, I don't need your chains Romance lies in ruin, let debauchery reign, let it rain Wipe the tears from your eyes, wipe the sweat from your thighs Don't crawl to me with sentiment, my laughter drowns your cries You're a memory trapped in polaroid, a puppet drowned in celluloid So drink the wine, confess your sin, just flotsam in a silent void Three boats down from the Candy I remember you Three boats down from the Candy Much too much to lose Three boats down from the Candy Oh, those words were never true Three boats down from the Candy I remember you [FISH 1983 -- Produced by Nick Tauber; (12 MARIL 1 B) Drums: John Martyr]