PART 1 SHE'S GOIN' BETTER Dum Dummy Laurie felt so unecessary One day she got hot with a cople of Shots NOW LAURIE'S TAKIN IT UP! Dum Dummy Laurie met lumpy loony lovie Gooe's 'bout love 'tween a big duck & a little buttercup! NOW LAURIE'S TAKIN' IT UP! PART 2 SHE'S GOIN' DOWN! Lovie was crazy maybe was a stoolie(They takin' it up) One day he been shot down by the dock(Now Laurie's breakin'it up) Dum Dummy Laurie felt so unecessary(She's breakin it up!) Turntricks on the dock, drinkin' a lot(She's breakin it up!) Dum Dummy Laurie little Buttercup (She's breakin it up!)