Four Sticks For 3 Guitars

Led Zeppelin - Four Sticks For 3 Guitars - табы

From "krinks@apk.net"@apk.net  Tue Mar  4 16:07:58 1997
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 Date: Tue, 04 Mar 1997 16:06:53 -0800
 From: "Jeffrey K. Krinks" 
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 To: zeppelin@www.sgi.net
 Subject: TAB: Four Sticks
 X-URL: http://www.sgi.net/zeppelin/tab/
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 Here is the official way to play Four Sticks as I got it directly from the complete Led 
 Zeppelin IV Tabulature book.
                                          FOUR STICKS
  				Words and music by Jimmy Page
 			              and Robert Plant
 The intro/verse riff has three guitars, all standard tuning:
 guitar 1:
 guitar 2:
 guitar 3:
 All of that repeats acouple times with some small ad-lib variations on guitars 1 and 2 
 with things like slides and vibratos until:
 guitar 1:
           let ring 
 guitar 2:
 guitar 3:
 All of that is played throughout the song besides the chorus, which has three more 
 Guitar 4 (Acoustic)
 Guitar 5: (Acousic)
 Guitar 6: (Electric 12-string)
 Those 3 guitar parts are a bit different during the lyrics, but the lyrics basically 
 drown them out, the part I posted was the part between the lyrics. If you want the part 
 during the lyrics, e-mail me.
 And the last guitar parts, guitars 4 and 5 play during the synthesiser, goes like this:
 There are some not to important parts that I left out that aren't really even heard, any 
 questions, comments, or song requests, e-mail krinks@aok.net
  - John -

Led Zeppelin - Four Sticks For 3 Guitars - ноты

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