Liberty, Miss Liberty We welcome you here to our shores Liberty, Miss Liberty The key to the city is yours Liberty, Miss Liberty You're not just the symbol of a statue that we love But the most beautiful girl in the world Would you like to dine some evening at the Astors? -I'd love to Would you like to play a week at Tony Pastor's? -I'd love to Would you like to come to Trinity on Sunday? -I'd love to Would you like to launch a battleship on Monday? -I'd love to Here's some orchids fresh with dew from the President to you Here's some winter flannels from the nation's mothers Here's some tickets for our ball You'll be welcome at the hall Here's some cough drops from the famous bearded brothers I represent Pratt's Astral Oil The finest application for a pimple or a boil We'll pay you handsomely for very little toil Your picture with a bottle of Pratt's Astral Oil I thank you, I thank you, I'm grateful to be sure Like money in the bank, you have made me feel secure Your Congress, your Senate, your President, so dear But mostly Mister Bennett, the man who brought me here