1. I am so glad that the Savior hath said, ???Come unto Me, come unto Me,??? When He bestowed on each little one???s head, Blessings so rich and free. * Refrain: Come to the Savior, dear children, today, Come, let us walk in the heavenly way; Sweet is the promise to those who obey; Come, there is room for all. 2. I am so glad He is ever the same, Loving and kind, loving and kind; Speak unto all of His wonderful name, Grace in His mercy find. 3. I am so glad for His mercy and love Given to me, given to me; If I will serve Him He???ll lead me above??? Home of the pure and free. 4. I am so glad He permits me to live, Wonderful thought, wonderful thought; All of my life to His service I give, For with His blood I???m bought.