Last night I went to bed and after I had gone to sleep, Sometime in the night I had this vision come to me. I saw a place so beautiful with gold and jewels rare; Everyone wearing white robes and singing everywhere. Their voices were so lovely and in perfect harmony. The multitude that gathered was as far as I could see. There wasn't any difference everybody looked the same, Singing praises to the Lamb, praise His holy name. There were no crippled, blind, or any kind of disease, Everyone so young and fair, there were no elderly. From the flood and through the blood each on that had believed, Were gathered home around the Throne for all eternity. When I awoke I had this happy feeling in my soul, For I believe He let me see the place where I would go. For I've been saved through grace through faith, I am one of His own, And I'll be in that number I saw gathered round the Throne. Last [A] night I went to bed and after [D] I had gone to sleep, [A] Sometime in the night I had this [E] vision come to [A] me.