O Father, on our festal day, behold us with thy blessing, as year by year thy children come thy love and truth confessing; we stand rejoicing in thy house with thankful hearts and lowly, and dare to raise our songs of praise to thee, O Lord most holy. For love by which through all our days our lives have been surrounded, for all the goodness of thy hand which hath to us abounded, for home and health and happiness, for all the joy of living, to thee we sing, our Lord and King, and offer our thanksgiving. But chiefly for the boundless love that brought to us salvation, we bow before thy mighty throne in humble adoration; and to thine honor, God most high, we hymn the wondrous story of him who came on earth to die, and rose, and reigns in glory. For a school anniversary: O look with favor on our school, and bless thy children's learning; give those who teach kind hearts and wise, to heavenly wisdom turning, O prosper thou their handiwork, and grant their high endeavor, and grant them, Lord, for their reward life in thy home for ever.