O Christ, Thou hast ascended, Triumphantly on high! By cherub guards attended And armies of the sky: Let earth tell forth the story? Our very flesh and bone, Immanuel, in glory, Ascends His Father's throne. Heaven's gates unfold above Thee: But canst Thou, Lord, forget The little band who love Thee And gaze from Olivet? Nay, on Thy breast engraven Thou bearest every name, Our Priest in earth and Heaven Eternally the same. There, there Thou standest pleading The virtue of Thy blood, For sinners interceding, Our Advocate with God: And every changeful fashion Of our brief joys and cares, Finds thought in Thy compassion And echo in Thy prayers. O for the priceless merit Of Thy redeeming cross! Vouchsafe Thy sevenfold spirit And turn to gain our loss; Till we by strong endeavor In heart and mind ascend And dwell with Thee forever In raptures without end.