1. It was love that sent a Savior To this world of sin and woe; It was love that left heav???n???s portals, And came down to dwell below; It was love that stilled the waters On the stormy Galilee; It was love that paid sin???s ransom, One dark day on Calvary. * Refrain: Love so divine, Love so sublime, Love that is deeper than any sea; Love for us all, oh, how can it be! 2. It was love that heard my pleadings When I cried out in my sin; It was love that gave me comfort; It was love that took me in; It was love that whispered softly, ???I will never cast you out???; It was love that eased my heartache; It was love removed my doubt. 3. It is love that still is knocking At the hearts of sinful men; It is love that never tires, But that knocks and knocks again; It is love that solves all problems In this world of care and strife; It is love, the love of Jesus, That gives hope, and peace, and life.