Night had fallen darkly Over Judea???s hill; Shepherds watched in silence, All the flocks were still; Light dispelled the darkness, Light, then day more fair, Lo! a mighty angel, Stood in glory there. Refrain Long ago, long ago, Came that angel bright, ???Fear ye not! Fear ye not!??? Rang across the night. Long ago, long ago, Over a bed of hay, Angels fair, in the air, Watched where Jesus lay. Shepherds of Judea, Watching flocks by night; Patient, gentle watchers Trembled at the light, Trembled when the glory O???er the hillside spread, Trembled till the angel ???Fear not,??? sweetly said. Refrain Hosts of shining angels Joined the herald bright; Legions from the glory, Came that wondrous night??? Came with alleluias, For a Savior born; Came to tell the weary Of redemption???s morn. Refrain