1. Go on, Ye Pilgrims, While Below In the sure paths of peace, Determined nothing else to know But Jesus and His grace. 2. Observe your Leader, follow Him, He in this world has been Often reviled, but like a Lamb, Did ne'er revile again. 3. O take the pattern he has giv'n And love your enemies; And learn the only way to heav'n In self-denial lies. 4, Remember, you must watch and pray, While' journ'ying on the road; Lest you should fall out by the way And wound the cause of God. 5. Contend for nothing but the truth That feeds th' immortal mind For fruitless leaves, no more dispute But leave them to the wind. 6. Go on rejoicing night and day, Your crown is yet before; Defy the trails of your way. The storms will soon be o'er.