What's so diff'rent 'bout this baby boy What's so special angels sing with joy (Can He be) Can He be Deity (Heavenly) Heavenly, holy Who has summoned earthly majesty Who is threatening Herod's dynasty (Can He be) Can He be King of Kings (Heavenly) Heavenly Prince of Peace Chorus: Baby boy (baby boy, baby boy) Creator of the universe Baby boy (baby boy, baby boy) The leader of the church Baby boy (baby boy, baby boy) King of Kings and Lord of Lords Baby boy (baby boy, baby boy) Baby boy Why do shepherds leave their flocks at night (hear the angels sing) Why this star above the earth so bright (Can He be) Can He be destiny (Heavenly) Heavenly eternity Where will Joseph and wife Mary stay Where will Jesus be born this day (Can He be) Can He be Prophecy (Heavenly) Heavenly God's charity Repeat Chorus A child The virgin born Sent from God The mighty Lord of Lords Repeat Verse 1 (1st part)