1. And Am I Blessed With Jesus' Love And shall I dwell with Him above, And will the joyful period come When I shall call the heav'ns my home? 2. Think, O my soul! What must it be A world of glorious minds to see, Drink at the fountain-head of peace, And bathe in everlasting bliss! 3. To hear them all at once proclaim Eternal glories to the Lamb, And join with joyful heart and tongue That new, that never-ending song! 4. And does the happy hour draw near When Christ will in the clouds appear, And I without a vail shall see The Man, the Christ, who bled for me? 5. If in my soul such joys abound While weeping faith explores His wound, How glorious will those scars appear When perfect love forbids a tear! 6. Think, O my soul, if 't is so sweet On earth to sit at Jesus' feet, What must it be to wear a crown And sit with Jesus on the throne!