Федерико Морено Торроба - Zapateado - табы

"Zapateado" by Federico Moreno Torroba - A majoras implied at the very beginning.                                            #
# This piece is played by Renata Tarrago on the flip side of the               #
# Concierto de Aranjuez album.Think "triplets", all throughout.                # 
# B. McCahill                                                                  #

(E A D G B E) - 





|-7--7---9-7-5-----|-----------------------||Repeat from beginning; second time, go forward.

 The third and final time around, go to bar 1 and play first 4 bars (intro) as ending 
- final chord with a bang.      




|-2---------4-----2---|----| (go back to the 5th bar - the main theme.)

Федерико Морено Торроба - Zapateado - ноты
