На полi танки крокотiли На полi танки крокотiли Совдати йшли в останнiй бiй А молодого полководця Несли з дирою в головi Тачанку знищила болванка Good bey рiдненький екiпаж Чотири трупи та коняка Кровяка кiшки вухи глаз Тачанка полумьям обьята Ось-ось рване горiлки жбан А жити хочеться малята, Але горiлку не вiддам Пiдiймуть наруки тачанку I вытягнуть вiд туди нас Нальють горiлки, сожруть сала Тай поховають у той же час. E-mailы факси телеграми До рiдных близьких полетять Що екiпаж не повернеться I не побаче знову мать Об вугол бъётся стара мати Батько мовчав - вiн був колмик I молодая не впiзнаэ Який у парня був язик Лежить замацаная картка Грончак тай пачка цигарок Нiколи вiн не повернеться I це для пiснi епiлог. The tanks were rattling like a thunder /* Пеpевод: Данила Воpобьев */ The tanks were rattling like a thunder The soldiers went to final fight And here they carried young commander With head all broken outright His tank was hit with armor-piercer So say good-bye to Guardian crew Just four more corpses in the hillside Will add to fair morning view 'Cause now the vehicle is a-burning Wait for the shells to detonate You wanna live to see this morning But you're too weak and it's too late So they'll extract you from the remains They'll put your coffin on the clay And fire & thunder from the mainguns Will see you into your last way For now the telegrames are flying To tell the friends and relatives That their good son is never coming And never getting any leave And there's that photo on the bookshelf Collecting dust for years on end - In uniform, with shoulder-boards on... And he will never be her man. In unifo-orm, wI-EEEEEEth Shoul-der-bo-ards OOOOOOOn... And he will never be her man.