Death is God's tradition of the Lord is not oppressive, His plan was the whole world to war lead. All bliss bond destroyed them Terrible consequences we soon shall see. The death and destruction against the truth of my own, Fight to the end, as if the dogs without chains. There are no more venerable, no fear of him, Like obsession, all he was persecuted. Gave the promise, they are not kept, For which his son was dying on the cross. Sin took heart, for what he did to the people, Nobody is innocent! He came to earth, the one that do not like, On the way back the knife pierced his chest, Taken and forgotten those who gave it life, Anger caused him back. I'm on the other side, in the worlds of Satan Controlling myself all that done. I will not lose, because I see the end. My knowledge belongs only to me. Beg for mercy, though, and attacked first Discarded ambitions, you're lost. The division already has ties your revenge A terrible death! No promises, you are no more. Tearing of the bonds carried greetings from hell: Storm of the Apocalypse, the devil cry. Depth of the fall you come upon her. Halo over your head, a divine gift, Awash blood carried away forever. The sound of empty prayers torment your ears, You cursed his children, they are crucified. Death in your law, even though the son was killed, And in the shadow of God, only the death reigns. Prior to the last blood will fight you. This is a fight to the death!