The Holy Bible, the instrument of death, the book of fools and ignorance. No sign on the reverse side, the belief in God is dead. Elderly and withered, Christianity, wilted in her illness. Hateful heaven never known his love, leave you right where you started. Testament controversy, death to you for saving you the soul united to the common people. Sacrifice crucifixion, you deserve to die here. Now go away, your god is dead. Human failure, Christians crucified on the cross, who came up with Christ. Created by God, rule this world with lies, and the truth will leave you blind. No more Jesus, evil milled ax, choose the path that we are asking. The religion of Christ, the genocide there, see how your church will disappear. Indulgent ancient truth, gave birth alone that day. Exceptional light. Without a place of worship, a sheep displaced. Now go away, your god is dead.