There, apart from roses and flowers the idyll began furon and kisses, caresses bold then the madness of passion. "T'amo," she whispers and a kiss ardent makes tremar. And his sweet love ognor whispers thus: "Amami! Baciami with passion! Prendimi! Stringimi with ardor! Coglimi! My life is like a flower: soon blooms and dies soon. E'sol for you my heart! " But it was a sad day and their love ended as a rose killed by frost its beauty sfiorì soon. Crowds in the garden of roses strugge is vain in his dolor. Piange and how allor sings to lost love. "Amami! Baciami with passion! Prendimi! Stringimi with ardor! Coglimi! My life is like a flower: soon blooms and dies soon. E'sol for you my heart! "