Perpetual Motion

Anthrax - Perpetual Motion - Текст песни

The cracks are showing, on my face
I didn№t think that I was, that old my story is
I weathered every storm I, pulled it through
Falling by the wayside, I№ve seen a few
But I never went down, never went down
I never will
Taken every single blow and countered
Never went down, never went down,
And better still
Look at my face and see your father

I№m ready to take my turn
Taking the shot that I№ve earned
Chance is what keeps me rolling

Diamonds in my eyes
Oceans full of pride
Can№t you see I№m only human
I№m in perpetual motion I№m rolling, rolling
Can№t you see I№m only human

The cracks are showing, on my face
The well ain№t empty, never out of place
It seems to be harder, for some maybe
And I won№t play, the game of wait and see
But I never went down, never went down
I never will
Taken every single blow and countered
Never went down, never went down,
And better still
Look at my face and see your father

I№m ready to take my turn
Taking the shot that I№ve earned
Chance is what keeps me rolling

Diamonds in my eyes
Oceans full of pride
Can№t you see I№m only human
I№m in perpetual motion I№m rolling, rolling
Can№t you see I№m only human

I don№t fight I win, underneath it I№m human
And my pride is not a sin,
Underneath it I№m human
And I respect my mistakes,
And decisions that I make
In time I№ve earned my cake,
Have my cake and then
I№ll eat it

I№m ready to take my turn
Taking the shot that I№ve earned
Chance is what keeps me rolling

Diamonds in my eyes
Oceans full of pride
Can№t you see I№m only human
I№m in perpetual motion I№m rolling, rolling
Can№t you see I№m only human

Main Solo : Paul Crook
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